VASA IG PICKS: LOW Res from Camera, pick your fav
  1. Tap once on an image. [Do not open]
  2. A white ☑️ will appear on the top left part of the image.
  3. Tap the check mark to turn into a "blue" check mark, this indicates this image is selected.
  4. Once you are done selecting your favourite photos, scroll to the top and click on the green "Send Selection".
  5. A green "Approve" button will appear then click it and congratulations you are done selecting your photos.
  6. Please do this process for each page (1-6)
  7. Tips: This process is done a lot faster on laptop or desktop.
  8. Any questions call/text 0452 137 500
  9. If the images are not loading, please hit the "Refresh" button.
  10. There are 544 images in this Gallary.